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VenaPulse® Videos

The health care professionals and patients appearing in the following videos did not receive any compensation for their statements.

The VenaPulse® Hands-Free Augmentation Device at the Oregon Institute of Technology

April 2013: On a visit to the Vascular Technology Program to meet with LeAnn Maupin, who uses the VenaPulse® device and explains how it can make venous exams more efficient.

Learn How To Setup The Venapulse® Device

Vascular Sonographer Talks About Her Use With Venapulse® Device

The Trouble with Manual Augmentations for Venous Exams

Femoral Vein Flow Using Duplex Ultrasound & Hands-Free Augmentation Device

How Can the Hands-Free Augmentation Device Make Venous Exams Easier & Quicker?

The VenaPulse® Hands-Free Augmentation Device

Application of Foot Cuffs

Application of the single strap foot cuff

Application of the double strap foot cuff